Lavender Lemonade


Feeling stressed? Take a sip of Lavender Lemonade and let the relaxation begin! This delightful drink combines the soothing properties of lavender flowers with the refreshing taste of lemons. Organic agave nectar adds a touch of natural sweetness, while butterfly pea flower not only enhances the flavor but also brings a beautiful color to your glass.

Perfect for unwinding after a long day, this blend helps reduce stress and alleviate pain, making it your go-to drink for relaxation. Enjoy a moment of calm with every sip!

Please allow up to 3 business days for your order to ship.

*Note: Cold pressure processed with HPP

Lavender Flowers, Lemons, Organic Agave Nectar, Butterfly Pea Flower, Distilled Water

Health Benefits

Lavender Flowers - anti-inflammatory properties that are related to relaxation and mood elevation

Lemons - good source of Vitamin C, which aids the immune system. Lemons are also rich in bioflavonoids and are a natural diuretic.

Organic Agave Nectar - is low on the glycemic index

Butterfly Pea Flower - rich in antioxidants that can stimulate immune function

Distilled Water - water that's purified through distillation where water is boiled until it becomes steam and then cooled back down. This process eliminates contaminants

Shipping Info
  • Processing: Most orders are processed within 2 business days.
  • Carrier: FedEx, $10 flat rate.
  • Restrictions: Temporary pause on shipping to CA, NV, ID, AZ, MT, WY, UT, OR, WA.
  • Transit Times: Delivery times are estimated, not guaranteed.
  • Perishables: Please refrigerate immediately upon arrival.
  • Returns: Perishable items are non-returnable.
  • Address Accuracy: Ensure the correct shipping address; we are unable to ship to PO Boxes and can't be held liable for spoilage due to improper handling.
  • Damages: For damage or delays over 4 days, email

Benefits of Lavendar Lemonade

Lavender flowers and butterfly pea flower come together to create a soothing drink that helps you relax and unwind after a long day.

Reduces Stress
The calming properties of lavender and the refreshing taste of lemons work in harmony to reduce stress and bring a sense of tranquility.

Alleviates Pain
Organic agave nectar and distilled water blend seamlessly with lavender to help alleviate pain, offering a natural way to soothe your body.

Wellness Starts Here

Hyper Nourishment

Hyper Nourishment

Power up with the superhero strength of fruits and veggies! These nutrient-packed goodies fuel your body and spirit with every delicious bite.

Plant-Based Goodness

Plant-Based Goodness

Choosing plants means choosing a healthier planet. Embrace a plant-forward diet to nurture both yourself and the Earth, creating a sustainable future for all.

Mental Clarity

Mental Clarity

Let the vibrant energy of plants clear your mind and uplift your spirit, nurturing mental clarity and inner peace from nature's bounty.

Empowering Healthier Living With Kindness, Curiosity, and Passion

At Arden’s Garden, we believe in fostering a supportive community where everyone, regardless of where they are on their wellness journey, feels encouraged and valued. We're not just in the business of selling juices and snacks; we're in the business of spreading positivity, nourishing bodies, and enriching lives.

Learn About Arden’s Garden