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5 Turmeric Shot Benefits | Everything You Should Know

If you’re a health enthusiast, you might notice that turmeric is a common ingredient in many cold-pressed juices. That’s because turmeric is one of the best roots to add to...

If you’re a health enthusiast, you might notice that turmeric is a common ingredient in many cold-pressed juices. That’s because turmeric is one of the best roots to add to your diet. Not only is it a flavor enhancer, but it’s also a superfood, hosting many benefits that you’ll have difficulty finding in other foods.

At Arden’s Garden, we believe in the turmeric shot, so we’re listing our five favorite benefits that come from consuming this beverage. Are you ready? Let’s get started!

5 Turmeric Shot Benefits

We know turmeric can be a brave new step in your diet, especially when taking it as a wellness shot. An easy way to incorporate this healthy nutrient into your diet is by trying our very own handcrafted turmeric shooter. 

Our Turmeric Shot combines apple juice and lemon for immune support and metabolism. Alongside the turmeric, cucumber adds nutrients and acts as a diuretic, while black pepper enhances the shot's anti-inflammatory effects with its piperine content.

With all of these refreshing ingredients, it’s an easy way for you to venture into a healthier way of living without sacrificing taste. 

1. Detoxifying and Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Turmeric shots are one of our favorite ways to jumpstart your natural detox system and fight inflammation head-on. The robust antioxidants in this golden elixir help neutralize toxins while keeping your system clean and running like a well-oiled machine. Turmeric's anti-inflammatory properties also lower swelling and discomfort throughout the body. This dynamic duo of detox support and inflammation reduction creates an all-encompassing positive effect on your overall health. Make turmeric shots a regular part of your routine and watch your immune system thrive. 

2. Increase your Stamina

Did you know turmeric can increase your stamina? The secret weapon is curcumin, the active compound that fights inflammation and zaps free radicals. This golden spice helps decrease muscle soreness and speed up recovery, letting you crush more workouts with less downtime. 

Curcumin also acts as your circulation booster, pumping oxygen and nutrients to your muscles for epic endurance. It's also your immune system's best friend, which is why you’ll find it as a common ingredient in many immune system-boosting juices

3. Restore Gut PH

An optimal pH balance is great for your gut and turmeric is perfect for maintaining that equilibrium. The potent compounds in this golden elixir calm digestive irritation, creating a thriving environment for your gut's beneficial bacteria. Turmeric doesn't stop there - it kicks your bile production into high gear, supercharging your body's ability to break down food and keep stomach acid levels in check. 

This dynamic duo maintains your gut's natural pH equilibrium, banishing pesky issues like indigestion and bloating. By making turmeric shots a regular part of your routine, you're giving your digestive system the support it needs to stay in perfect harmony. 

Interested in learning more about how to protect your gut? Read more on our guide to juicing for gut health

4. Anti-Cancer Properties

Did you know turmeric has properties that make it great for battling cancer? If you didn’t, you know now! Turmeric contains a compound called curcumin. In lab tests, it seems to fight cancer cells in a few ways - it's an antioxidant, reduces inflammation, and might even help kill cancer cells or stop them from spreading. 

While further research is required, turmeric is a promising root that contains properties that will be hard to find with other fruits, vegetables, and herbs. 

5. Adequate Amount of Vitamin C Consumption

Vitamin C is one of the best supplements for you. Turmeric shots supercharge your vitamin C intake since they’re often blended turmeric with vitamin C powerhouses like apple or lemon juice. An abundance of Vitamin C can help you in many ways, boosting your immune system, clearing up your skin, and even helping with cardiovascular health!

By pairing turmeric with these vitamin C-rich juices, you're not just fighting inflammation – you're also effortlessly boosting your daily vitamin C quota. It’s an easy way to get your vitamins in without having to sacrifice time out of your day. 

When Should You Take a Shot of Turmeric?

You can take turmeric shots in the morning, after a workout, or even when you’re feeling stressed. Taking a shot first thing in the morning allows you to enjoy its calming effects while also giving you the energy you need to get through the day. Turmeric shots are also helpful when taken before or after exercise, as they may help alleviate common aches and pains from physical exertion.

There's a reason this root is one of our favorite wellness shootersWe recommend trying turmeric shots at different times of the day. Figure out what works best for your body and schedule. Regardless, the benefits are there, and you’ll thank yourself for adding this superfood to your diet. 

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