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How to Do a Juice Cleanse | Benefits & More

Ever been curious about how to do a juice cleanse, but have no clue where to start? You're absolutely not alone. Juice cleanses have recently become super popular as a...

Ever been curious about how to do a juice cleanse, but have no clue where to start? You're absolutely not alone. Juice cleanses have recently become super popular as a way to reset your body, boost energy levels, and detoxify. 

Here’s a guide to walk you through everything you need to know about juicing with confidence. 

What is a Juice Cleanse?

A juice cleanse is a dietary plan where you consume nothing but fresh juices full of fruits and vegetables for a set number of days. The primary goal is to detoxify the body and give the digestive system a break from solid foods. Our famous Two Day Detox juice cleanse uses citrus fruits, which are cleansing, tasty, and easy to drink. While some juice cleanses involve vegetable juice, ours is a unique blend of grapefruit juice, orange juice, lemons, and distilled water. Consider a juice cleanse like giving your body a vacation.  

People get their juices for a juice cleanse in a few main ways. Some make their own at home using fresh fruits and vegetables with a juicer or blender, but this can be tiring and require large cleanups after you’re done juicing. 

Many come to our doors for our ready-made juices, which are affordable and use the freshest ingredients for their natural flavor. We’ve been doing juice cleanses here at Arden’s Garden since 1998.  Our founder, Arden Zinn, created her own unique 2-day detox as a way to flush out toxins, boost your immune system, all while providing essential vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients. Best of all, it lasts all of two-days, In developing the recipe, her goal was to create an easy cleanse. Our juice cleanse is ideal for anyone looking to kickstart a healthier lifestyle, lose weight, or simply explore the benefits of juicing.

Since then, we’ve grown to offer other types of cleanses, such as our Love Your Liver cleanse and Weight Loss cleanse, both of which you can try today!

You can find these juices online or at one of our Atlanta Arden’s Garden stores

Before You Start Your Juice Cleanse

A juice cleanse is a process which means there are certain steps you need to take before starting the cleanse itself. 

Begin by reviewing your current eating habits, learning about cold-pressed juices, and determining the right duration for your pre-cleanse diet. Let’s start by taking a look at diet. 

The typical American diet is characterized by high consumption of processed foods, refined grains, added sugars, and larger portion sizes. Now, this might not necessarily be your diet, but if you eat anything we just listed, gradually reduce your intake of processed foods in the days leading up to the cleanse. 

Start with fruit-heavy juices to satisfy sugar cravings, then transition to more vegetable-based options as you progress. Include filling ingredients like bananas or oats in some juices to help with satiety, as you'll likely be consuming fewer calories than usual. Two great options for this are our Sunrise Smoothie and Pineapple Apple Ginger Juice

What Should You Cut Out Before a Juice Cleanse? 

To give your body an alkaline boost, you’ll need to bid farewell (or at least wave a temporary goodbye) to these acid-forming foods:

  • Processed foods
  • Caffeine
  • Alcohol
  • Dairy
  • Refined Sugar
  • Animal Products

Planning is key for this cleanse. Choose a week when your schedule is light on work and social commitments. This isn't the time for extra distractions or temptations. Think of this cleanse as a gift to yourself - a chance for nourishment and healing. Your body works hard; now it's time to give it a little extra care and attention.

How to Do Your Juice Cleanse

Now that you’ve looked through your diet, it’s time to get into the best part: doing the juice cleanse. Here’s how to do a juice cleanse step by step:

  1. Decide on Your Cleanse Duration: Choose a length that feels manageable, typically between 1-7 days. A lot of our clients love our Two-Day Detox since it’s a great starter cleanse where, true to its name, you only need to prepare for two days of cleansing.
  2. Start Your Mornings Right: Begin each day with warm lemon water to aid digestion and hydration.
  3. Juice Throughout the Day: Drink a juice every 2-3 hours, aiming for 4-6 juices daily and finishing your last juice 2-3 hours before bed. Stay hydrated by drinking water between juices. If you are doing our Two Day Detox, make sure to drink 8 oz. of the cleanse every hour. 
  4. End Your Day Lightly: Finish with a vegetable-based juice in the evening for easier digestion overnight. Of course, not all juices are the same. If you are cleansing on your own, juices like Green Energy Machine are great to finish out the day. 
  5. Support Your Cleanse with Additional Practices: Engage in light exercise like walking or gentle yoga. Prioritize getting enough rest and sleep. Try detox-supporting activities like dry brushing or taking warm baths.
  6. Break Your Cleanse Carefully: Gradually reintroduce solid foods, starting with raw fruits and vegetables. Slowly incorporate other food groups over several days
  7. Reflect and Move Forward: Take time to consider how you feel post-cleanse. Note any changes in energy, digestion, or overall well-being. Congratulations! You’ve just completed your juice cleanse. 

Related: How Long Does Cold Pressed Juice Last?

Juice Cleanse Commonly Asked Questions

What Time is Best to Consume My Juices? 

The best times to consume juice during a cleanse are spread throughout the day, typically every 2-3 hours from morning to early evening. Start your day with a juice shortly after waking, around 8 or 9 AM, and continue with a new juice roughly every few hours until about 6 or 7 PM. Supplement your juice-drinking with a glass of water in between. This will keep you hydrated. This schedule helps maintain stable blood sugar levels and provides a steady stream of nutrients. Remember to listen to your body – if you feel hungry, it's okay to drink your next juice a bit earlier. The key is to keep yourself nourished and hydrated throughout the day without overwhelming your system.

Can I Eat Food During My Juice Cleanse? 

A juice cleanse typically means sticking to just juices and water, taking a break from solid foods. The idea? Give your digestion a breather while loading up on easy-to-absorb nutrients.

That said, it's not everyone's cup of tea. If you're finding it tough, there's room for tweaks. Go for small portions of raw fruits, veggies, or nuts. These align with the cleanse's goals while taking the edge off hunger. Remember, it's about what works for you while still giving your body that nutrient boost.

Can I Drink Coffee?

Ideally, you should avoid coffee during a juice cleanse as it can interfere with the detoxification process and may counteract some of the cleanse's benefits. Coffee is acidic and can stimulate digestion, which goes against the goal of giving your digestive system a rest. It's also a diuretic, potentially leading to dehydration if you're not careful.

If you feel you absolutely must have coffee, try limiting it to one small cup in the morning, but drink that coffee black, no added sugar.


Benefits of a Juice Cleanse Diet

Juice cleanses have become trendy, but the science behind their health benefits is still catching up. While there may not be a ton of research to support claims of major detoxing for weight loss, incorporating more fresh fruit and veggie juices into your diet can be a great way to up your daily dose of vitamins and essential nutrients.

  • Power Up Your Health: Fruits and veggies are nature's powerhouses, packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and anti-inflammatory compounds. Drinking fresh juice concentrates these nutrients in a delicious, easy-to-absorb form. This can give your immune system a welcome boost and contribute to overall well-being.
  • An Increase in Vitality: Many people say they have more zips after a juice cleanse. This could be because fruits and veggies are loaded with natural energy helpers, plus you're ditching sugary drinks and junk food that can drag you down. Less yucky stuff and more good stuff might explain the extra spring in your step!
  • Aid Digestion: Raw juices are a great friend for digestion. Some fruits and veggies, like oranges, contain enzymes that could help break down food more efficiently. 
  • Weight Loss: Juice cleanses can be tempting as a quick way to lose weight, especially around the belly. The weight loss you see is mostly water weight, not fat. Those yummy juices are loaded with potassium, a mineral that helps flush out excess sodium. 

Final Thoughts

Juice cleanses can give your body and mind a fresh start. It's not always a walk in the park at first, but plenty of people find the payoff worth it. You might find more pep in your step, a happier gut, and just feeling better overall. It's like hitting the refresh button on your system - a short break that might just spark some lasting healthy changes. 

Remember, the key to a successful cleanse is preparation, listening to your body, and easing back into your regular diet afterward. Here’s to your health and vitality - happy juicing!

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