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The 7 Best Juices for Inflammation

What can I drink to reduce inflammation? That’s a common question asked by those looking to improve their diet.

What can I drink to reduce inflammation? That’s a common question asked by those looking to improve their diet. Luckily the right juices can help reduce swelling and help you feel your best. At Arden’s Garden, we know how powerful the right juices can be, so today, we’ll be going over seven juices for inflammation that you can drink! 

What to Look for in Anti-Inflammatory Drinks

Anti-inflammatory juices are all about the right ingredients and aren’t just limited to juice cleanses. By incorporating the right ingredients into your everyday diet, you can calm inflammation levels in your body easily. You'll want to focus on options with berries, leafy greens, beets, ginger, turmeric, and tart cherries. These pack a punch with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that can really help your body. 

The trick is incorporating these juices into your diet rather than going overboard. Fresh, cold-pressed varieties without added sugars are your best bet. They'll give you the benefits without the downside of excess sugar, which can actually worsen inflammation.

How Does Juice Help With Reducing Inflammation?

Juice can be a fantastic tool for combating inflammation, and it's all about harnessing the power of fruits and vegetables. These natural ingredients are packed with compounds that help fight oxidative stress in your body. When you drink juice, you're essentially getting a concentrated dose of these beneficial nutrients. They work together to neutralize harmful molecules and support your body's own anti-inflammatory processes. 

Cold-pressed juices are particularly effective because they preserve more of these valuable compounds. The nutrients in juice are also easily absorbed by your body, making it an efficient way to get these anti-inflammatory benefits. By choosing the right juices, you're giving your body a natural and potent way to reduce inflammation.

Related: Cold Pressed Juice vs. Regular Juice

The 7 Best Juices for Inflammation

Let’s get into the good part: our favorite juices for inflammation. Below, you’ll find seven drinks that you can try today, whether you’re doing a juice cleanse or trying to diversify your diet. 

1. Turmeric Juice

Turmeric juice is great for fighting inflammation in our bodies, thanks to its main compound, curcumin. This stuff works at the molecular level, blocking inflammation-causing processes and boosting our natural antioxidant defenses. It's especially helpful for people with arthritis or digestive issues. One trick is to have turmeric juice with black pepper, as this helps our bodies absorb the curcumin better. 

Now, we know turmeric by itself can be an acquired taste, but you can still get its powerful nutrients through other tasty beverages. For example, our TLC (Turmeric Loves Carrot) drink combines turmeric root and carrots with your favorite orange drink, boosting your brain function and enhancing skin health. 

2. Green Juice

Green juice is a nutrient-dense powerhouse that packs a punch against inflammation. Common green veggies like spinach, kale, and cucumber join forces to deliver a potent dose of antioxidants, neutralizing harmful substances that trigger inflammation, like cytokines and prostaglandins. This verdant elixir is brimming with vitamin C and magnesium, bolstering your immune system and tamping down inflammatory responses. Incorporating green juice into your daily routine can help you maintain a healthy inflammatory balance and support your body's natural functions.

If you want the greenest juice to rule them all, try our Multigreen. This is a vibrant blend of cucumbers, celery, spinach, kale, and lemon juice designed to give you the Vitamin C boost you need to protect your immune system. 

3. Beet Juice

Beet juice is a nutrient superfood that takes inflammation head-on. Its nitrates improve blood flow and reduce inflammation throughout your body. Antioxidants in beet juice neutralize harmful free radicals, while betalains – responsible for that vibrant red color – provide additional anti-inflammatory support. The vitamin C, folate, and potassium in beet juice contribute to your overall health, creating a strong foundation for fighting inflammation. Regular consumption of beet juice can be a game-changer for managing inflammation and boosting your wellness.

Our Beet It Better juice is a carefully crafted blend of nature's finest ingredients. Beets offer a fantastic source of nitrates that work wonders for your blood flow and heart health. We've added a splash of apple juice, bringing a burst of plant compounds and vitamins to support your immune system. To round out this powerhouse blend, we've thrown in a zing of ginger - an inflammation-fighting superstar packed with antioxidants. 

4. Pineapple Apple Ginger Juice

Pineapple, apple, and ginger form a powerful anti-inflammatory trio. Pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme that directly reduces inflammation and may alleviate joint pain. Apples provide quercetin, a flavonoid that inhibits inflammatory processes in the body. Ginger delivers gingerols and shogaols, compounds that decrease inflammation and soothe the digestive system.

You can get all of these benefits with our Pineapple Apple Ginger juice. The drink gives a spicy kick while also reducing any inflammatory discomfort you might feel. A great one-two punch! 

5. Kale Juice

Kale juice is a known inflammation fighter thanks to its powerful blend of nutrients. Antioxidants quercetin and kaempferol directly neutralize free radicals and reduce inflammatory responses. Vitamin C boosts immunity and promotes collagen production, easing joint and tissue inflammation. Vitamin K regulates inflammatory processes and supports bone health. Omega-3s and fiber work together to lower overall inflammation and improve gut health. Glucosinolates break down into indoles and isothiocyanates, fighting inflammation at the cellular level. Magnesium helps regulate inflammatory markers throughout the body. This verdant blend delivers a concentrated burst of these inflammation-fighting compounds, giving your body a vibrant health boost with every sip.

We’ve packed all of these benefits into our Kalenator drink. On top of the kale, we’ve added bananas, mangoes, and strawberries to give it a natural sweet flavor. To further help reduce inflammation, our Kalenator juice also uses ginger to soothe your body and aid digestion. 

6. Orange Juice

Orange juice packs a powerful punch against inflammation. It's loaded with vitamin C, flavonoids, and antioxidants that work together to combat harmful substances in your body. The flavonoids hesperidin and naringenin boost your immune system while reducing inflammation. Folate and potassium in orange juice keep your body's functions running smoothly and maintain fluid balance, further dampening inflammatory responses. Orange juice is also easy to incorporate into your diet. Several Arden’s Garden products contain orange juice like our Sunrise Smoothie

7. BONUS: Drink the Rainbow

We’ve covered the benefits of beets, ginger, turmeric root, and orange juice in reducing inflammation. Now, you can get all of this plus more with our Drink the Rainbow juice. It combines carrots and apple juice with our other mentioned ingredients, providing an earthy, crisp flavor that we’re sure you’ll love. 

Together, these fruits, vegetables, and herbs support your cardiovascular system, fight inflammation, and build up your immune system! 

Related: How Long Does Cold Pressed Juice Last?

Which is Better for Inflammation: Fruit or Vegetable Juices? 

Vegetable juices are typically better than fruit juices in combating inflammation. These plant-based beverages deliver a higher concentration of antioxidants and phytonutrients, with less sugar and fewer calories. The anti-inflammatory compounds in veggie juices, such as carotenoids and flavonoids, work efficiently to reduce bodily inflammation.

Fruit juices, while nutritious, contain more natural sugars. This can potentially offset some of their anti-inflammatory effects, particularly for those managing conditions like diabetes or obesity. Vegetable juices provide a low-sugar alternative without sacrificing inflammation-fighting properties. 

Other Ways to Manage Your Inflammation

Juicing isn’t the only way to help with inflammation. Here are some other tactics you can use to stay feeling fresh and balanced:

  • Supercharge your diet with lignans: These antioxidant powerhouses are hiding in flaxseeds and sesame seeds, ready to fight inflammation head-on.
  • Don't skimp on micronutrients: Load up on magnesium, vitamin D, vitamin E, zinc, and selenium to give your body the tools it needs to combat chronic inflammation.
  • Dive into the sea of omega-3s: Oily fish like salmon, sardines, tuna, and mackerel are swimming with inflammation-fighting fatty acids.
  • Paint your plate with a rainbow of fruits and veggies: Each color brings its own unique arsenal of anti-inflammatory compounds.
  • Go nuts for nuts and seeds: Walnuts, chia seeds, and flax seeds are omega-3 powerhouses that pack a serious punch against inflammation.
  • Get moving in ways you love: Regular physical activity isn't just good for your mood – it's a key player in keeping inflammation at bay.
  • Catch those Zs: Prioritizing sleep isn't just about feeling refreshed – it's a crucial step in managing inflammation and supporting overall health.

Final Thoughts

Incorporating the right juices into your diet can be a powerful ally in the fight against inflammation. These nutrient-rich beverages deliver a concentrated dose of anti-inflammatory compounds straight from nature's pharmacy. It's also important to remember that while these juices can be a valuable addition to your anti-inflammatory efforts, they work best as part of a balanced lifestyle. By opting for natural, unsweetened varieties, you're giving your body a potent tool to manage inflammation and support overall health. It's a simple yet effective way to harness the power of fruits and vegetables in your daily routine.

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